*Match Inquiry
*Youth Pool



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Please select the MatchMatch that you would like to review by specifying the appropriate Criteria and clicking "Show". You can see the detail for any EKCSRA Match by clicking on the Match Number in the first column of the results list (including the names of the referee(s) assigned, if the Match is in the next 10 days).

Matches Criteria
Match# TeamTeam TeamID
Date - ClientClient multiple
Day multiple LocationLocation multiple
TimeTime multiple FieldField multiple
LeagueLeague Authority multiple Priority
LevelLevel multiple Season multiple Sort By
DivisionDivision multiple Gender multiple Action   Site Printable
3756499/21/2024Sat2:00 pmLWYSAU15160A( 8)Crossfire Select G11 A vs HSA Select G10A Karnofski vs AcceptAcceptAcceptOpenOpen
3757319/21/2024Sat2:00 pmLWYSAU15160A( 9)XFRec G10 Hot Shots vs United G10 Blue Lightning 210175007 vs OpenOpenOpen
3758529/21/2024Sat2:00 pmLWYSAU12160A(13A)UnionHill B13 Purple Panthers vs Kirkland B13 Pythons vs Accept
3756509/21/2024Sat2:00 pmLWYSAU11360A(14A)Crossfire Select G14C vs Tracyton SC SC G14 vs OpenOpenOpen
3756519/21/2024Sat2:00 pmLWYSAU141Marymoor 3Crossfire Select B11 A vs Norpoint FC '11-Blanco (Diablos Rojos) vs AcceptAcceptAcceptOpenOpen
3756529/21/2024Sat2:00 pmLWYSAU133Perrigo 1Crossfire Select G12 C vs Stanwood Spartan FC Sassy Spartans vs AcceptAcceptAcceptOpenOpen
3762329/21/2024Sat2:15 pmSnvYSAU102Jeanne Hansen 1(A)Cascade FC G15 Green vs Blackhills FC G15 Black ACG09-0001 vs Open
3762399/21/2024Sat2:15 pmSnvYSAU145Jeanne Hansen 2Cascade FC B11 Green vs NW United B11 RedCB13-0019 vs AcceptAcceptOpen
3756489/21/2024Sat2:30 pmLWYSAU9160A(11D)Crossfire Select B16 B vs XLFC B16 XL vs Open
3758539/21/2024Sat2:30 pmLWYSAU11160A(16A)Kirkland G14 Blue Dolphins vs Eastlake G14 Potato Dogs vs Open
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