*Match Inquiry
*Youth Pool



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Please select the MatchMatch that you would like to review by specifying the appropriate Criteria and clicking "Show". You can see the detail for any EKCSRA Match by clicking on the Match Number in the first column of the results list (including the names of the referee(s) assigned, if the Match is in the next 10 days).

Matches Criteria
Match# TeamTeam TeamID
Date - ClientClient multiple
Day multiple LocationLocation multiple
TimeTime multiple FieldField multiple
LeagueLeague Authority multiple Priority
LevelLevel multiple Season multiple Sort By
DivisionDivision multiple Gender multiple Action   Site Printable
37592510/5/2024Sat10:00 amLWYSAU101Marymoor 10UnionHill G15 Rainbow Foxes vs Juanita G15 Lightning Bolts vs Open
37592610/5/2024Sat10:00 amLWYSAU101Marymoor 11Juanita G15 Teichner vs Eastlake G15 Richards vs Open
37592710/5/2024Sat10:00 amLWYSAU101Marymoor 12UnionHill B15 Dragons/Eagles FC vs Eastlake B15 Blue Tongue Lizards vs Open
37675810/5/2024Sat10:00 amBUFCU111Tyee MS Multi PurposeBUFC B14 Blue vs Bainbridge Island FC B14 White201101202 vs Open
37663110/5/2024Sat10:25 amLWYSAU122Marymoor 5Crossfire Select B14 A vs Seattle United NW B13 White vs OpenOpenOpen
37663210/5/2024Sat10:30 amLWYSAU9360A(11A)Crossfire Select B16 D vs Seattle United NW B16 Black vs Open
37592810/5/2024Sat10:30 amLWYSAU12160A(13A)Redmond G13 Hurricanes vs Juanita G13 Thundercats vs Accept
37498310/5/2024Sat10:30 amIssaquah FCU122Central Park 2IFC G13 Select/Tuninga vs Seattle United South G13 Blue201182009 vs Accept
37672910/5/2024Sat10:30 amMIFCU13AIslander MSMIFC B12 Chaos vs XFRec B12 Eastlake Team201104367 vs Open
37663310/5/2024Sat10:30 amLWYSAU143Marymoor 3Crossfire Select B11 C vs MIFC B11 Maroon vs OpenOpenOpenOpenOpen
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