*Match Inquiry
*Youth Pool



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Criteria is now using saved Site values

The following Divisions have Standings currently available after 6/23/2024 through today (click the appropriate "Key" to obtain a detailed results listing or the sum Symbol in the Summary column for summarized and ranked results for the desired Division):

multiple multiple multiple Site
309 9/21/2024-9/21/2024 LWYSA Fall G U11 3 1 sum
310 9/7/2024-9/21/2024 LWYSA Fall G U12 1 15 sum
311 9/21/2024-9/21/2024 LWYSA Fall G U12 2 1 sum
312 9/14/2024-9/21/2024 LWYSA Fall G U12 3 2 sum
313 9/7/2024-9/21/2024 LWYSA Fall G U13 1 7 sum
314 9/7/2024-9/14/2024 LWYSA Fall G U13 3 2 sum
315 9/7/2024-9/21/2024 LWYSA Fall G U14 1 8 sum
316 9/14/2024-9/21/2024 LWYSA Fall G U14 2 2 sum
317 9/14/2024-9/21/2024 LWYSA Fall G U14 3 2 sum
318 9/7/2024-9/21/2024 LWYSA Fall G U15 1 5 sum
leftendleft1 Displayed 309 to 318 of 410 right1rightend

To include a result for an EKCSRAEKCSRA scheduled Match in the Standings, the Referee assigned to the Match will have had to have filed an appropriate Report.

2Note: NOT all EKCSRA Clients have their Standings available here. Available Clients/Leagues are listed in the Client pulldown above.